Visit of the Implementer of the Development of the Journal of the Research and Community Service Institute (UPPJ LPPM) Sebelas Maret University to the Faculty of Agriculture Unud
On Friday 19 August 2022, the Manager of the Agrotrop Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture received a visit from the UPPJ LPPM Team of Sebelas Maret University, which was held in the senate room of the Agrokomplek Building, 2nd floor. The event was attended by the Dean of FP, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gede Ustriyana, MM, Deputy Dean 3 FP, Dr. Ir, I Wayan Diare, MP, Head of the management of the Agrotrop FP journal, Prof. Dr. Ir Rindang Dwiyani, I Gede Wahyu Pramartha, S.Kom as the IT team and manager of the layout of the Agrotrop Journal, Lecturers managing the Argrotrop Journal, while from UPPJ LPPM Sebelas Maret University was attended by the chairman of the Caraka Tani Journal, Dr. Ir. Mujiyo, SP., MP and their team.
The Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture opened the visit from the journal manager from UNS by thanking the journal team from UNS and it is hoped that in the future the journal journals at the Faculty of Agriculture can advance together to achieve a higher rank than the previous ones such as the Agrotrop Journal which is currently SINTA 4 could be SINTA 2.
The visit of the Journal Team from UNS this time was to share experiences while managing journals and the ups and downs of managing journals until they became Scopus Journals. Dr. Ir. Mujiyo., S.P,.M.P.. Gives tricks and strategies of what to do so that our journal will be ranked up and ogled by the writers of the journal. Besides that, there is also a presentation about OJS (Operation Journal System) by I Gede Wahyu Pramartha, S. Kom as the manager of the Agrtotrop journal.