Real Form of Collaboration between FP Unud and the University of New England, Australia

Denpasar. Located in the Meeting Room of the Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University, the signing of the Implementation Arrangement (IA) or minutes of implementation of activities between the Faculty of Science, Agriculture, Business and Law, University of New England (UNE), Australia and the Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University (FP Unud), took place on Thursday. (11/16/2023). In signing the IA, FP Unud was carried out by the Dean of FP Unud, Dr. GN. Alit Susanta Wirya while the UNE was carried out by Prof. Renato Andrin Villano, Ph.D., acts as Chairman of the Research and Research Training Committee.

In the IA it was stated that the Unud FP held academic activities based on the MoU which was signed on October 1 2023. The concrete manifestation of the MoU was carried out in the form of a public lecture at the Faculty of Animal Husbandry by presenting speakers from UNE and also attended by Unud FP students from the Agroecotechnology Undergraduate Study Program. and Master of Dry Land Agriculture students, FP Unud. The public lecture activity took the theme "Adoption Technologies in Crop and Livestock Farming Systems" on November 16 2023.

On that occasion the parties also discussed opportunities for activities that could be carried out jointly between FP Unud and the Faculty of Science, Agriculture, Business and Law UNE in the future, for example related to research collaboration, publication collaboration, and others. (ims)