Lecturers and Students of the Agribusiness Study Program at Udayana University were introduced to Multiaspect Sustainability Analysis

The Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University held a Guest Lecture with the title "Multiaspect Sustainability Analysis for Sustainable Agribusiness Management and Development". This Guest Lecture was held on Monday (13/11/2023), at the Senate Meeting Room, Faculty of Agriculture, Agrocomplex Building, 2nd Floor, Udayana University, Denpasar. This event was attended by the Postgraduate Director of Udayana University, Deputy Dean II of the Faculty of Agriculture, Plt. Coordinator of the Agribusiness Undergraduate Study Program, lecturer in the Agribusiness Study Program, resource person Dr. Irman Firmansyah, M.Sc., from the System Dynamics Center and students of the Agribusiness Study Program. On this occasion, the resource person presented material regarding the Introduction to Multiaspect Sustainability Analysis (MSA) Analysis Tools.

In her report, Ida Ayu Listia Dewi, SP., M.Agb., as chair of the committee expressed her gratitude to the resource persons who were willing to attend the Guest Lecture this time. He also said that this guest lecture had enormous benefits, both for lecturers and students who wanted to carry out research or final assignments related to sustainable topics, to deepen understanding regarding sustainable analysis. Dr. Udayani Wijayanti as Plt. Coordinator of the Agribusiness Study Program. The presentation of material from the resource persons will provide excellent knowledge and information, resulting in broader insight, especially for members of the Computer and Multimedia Laboratory at the Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University.

Deputy Dean II of the Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University, Dr. Widhianthini, SP., M.Sc., in her speech which also opened the event, said that the resource persons who had come several times to provide training at Udayana University, especially in the Agribusiness Study Program, were experts in analytical tools. Dr. Widhi believes that this MSA analysis tool is very interesting, so that it will have a lot of interest from lecturers and students. (S1 Agribusiness FP Unud)