Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University Holds Release of First Prospective Graduates in 2024

The Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University held an event for the release of prospective graduates for the February 2024 period. The event for the release of prospective graduates was held on Thursday (15/02/2024) which took place in the Hall of the Postgraduate Building, 3rd Floor, Udayana University, Sudirman Campus and was attended by 32 prospective graduates along with the graduates' companions, the Dean and his staff, as well as the Study Program Coordinators within the Faculty of Agriculture, the Administrative Coordinator and his staff, lecturers and invitees.

I Putu Sudiarta, S.P., M. Si., Ph.D., as Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, in his report said that the Faculty of Agriculture is a fairly large faculty because it has study programs at the doctoral, master's and bachelor's levels. The number of students at the Faculty of Agriculture currently amounts to 1,700 students. At the time of the release of prospective graduates, this period was dominated by 65% men and 35% women. In total, the percentage of graduation predicates for all study programs is 0% adequate, 31.25% satisfactory, 62.5% very satisfactory and 6.25% with honors.

Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture Dr. Gusti Ngurah Alit Susanta Wirya, S.P., M.Agr. conveyed in this speech that he found cheerful and happy faces among all the prospective graduates as they welcomed a day of happiness or a day of victory for all prospective graduates because they had gone through a process in the academic field. Apart from that, he also said "Congratulations on this achievement, congratulations to the parents, friends and companions who have always given their support so far to be able to achieve this title and be released to attend graduation on Saturday, February 17 2024."