Dissemination and Book Review of Palm Oil Myths vs Facts by the Agribusiness Student Association (HIMAGRI) FP Unud
A series of anniversary celebrations for the Agribusiness Student Association (HIMAGRI) held a Dissemination and Book Review in collaboration with the Palm Oil Agribusiness Strategic Policy Institute (PASPI) which was held on Saturday (4/11/2023) in the Nusantara Room, Agrokomplek Joint Laboratory Building, 4th Floor of the University Udayana Denpasar. The Book Review event entitled "Myths vs Facts: The Indonesian Palm Oil Industry in Global Social, Economic and Environmental Issues", presented Kabul Wijayanto as Plt. Director of Partnerships for the Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (BPDPKS), Dr. Ir. Tungkot Sipayung as Executive Director of PASPI and Head of the Team for Compiling the Palm Oil Myths vs Facts Book, as well as three book discussants from Udayana University, namely Prof. Dr. Ir. I Made Antara MS., from the Faculty of Agriculture, Dr. I Wayan Rai Widarta, S.TP., M.Sc., from the Faculty of Agricultural Technology and Ni Nyoman Clara Listya Dewi, S.IP, MA., from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences.
Plt. Coordinator of the Agribusiness Study Program, Dr. Putu Udayani Wijayanti, SP., M.Agb. In his speech, he expressed the hope that this activity would lead to continued collaboration between PASPI, BPDPKS, the Agribusiness Study Program, and also the Agribusiness Student Association. Udayani also hopes that the participants, most of whom are students, will be able to gain useful knowledge and information, both for study purposes and in everyday life.
The Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Dr. Gusti Ngurah Alit Susanta Wirya, S.P., M. Agr. Alit said that this activity had great benefits for deepening insight and knowledge about palm oil as well as straightening out issues that were spreading in society. In the future, it is hoped that scientific discussions or public lectures will become further activities to deepen knowledge about oil palm which is still minimal in Bali. "It is hoped that this activity will also be able to stimulate students to create scientific work that can be contested with oil palm as the main topic," he concluded. (S1 Agribusiness FP Unud)