BEM FP Unud Village Development Team Holds Socialization on Increasing the Competitiveness of Strawberry Products in Collaboration with the Bali Province Department of Industry and Trade

Buleleng. Village Development Team Students from the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University (BEM FP Unud) held the second socialization of Pancasari Village Development which was attended by the PIC of Village Development at Udayana University, the Village Development Supervisor of BEM FP Unud, and opened by the Head of Pancasari Village, Sukasada District, Buleleng Regency (9/11/2023). The Pancasari village head said that he really welcomed the activities carried out by the BEM FP UNUD Village Development Team students because it was hoped that they could have a real impact in the form of solutions to the problems and needs that were being felt by the village community. In this socialization activity, BEM FP UNUD Village Development Team students invited the Women's Farmers Group, PKK, representatives of Candimas High School students, as well as representatives of Puri Wisata Vocational School students, who were participants in the socialization activities carried out.

This activity took place with the presentation of the material "Increasing the Competitiveness of Strawberry Products Through Packaging and E-Commerce Marketing Concepts" by Mrs. Kadek Yustisi Ari Anggitaning, S.T, M.M. as Head of the Digital Industry Section of the Bali Province Industry and Trade Service, who provides a lot of important and interesting information to the public that needs to be understood and known because it relates to the objectives of the MBKM Village Development program implemented by BEM FP UNUD Village Development Team students.

The material presented includes:

1. Steps to increase the competitiveness of strawberry products

2. Introduction to the concept of packaging for processed strawberry products

3. Function and quality of product packaging

4. Examples of packaging and labeling for strawberry products

5. Huge benefits of e-Commerce for small entrepreneurs

This activity is the second of a total of four socializations that will be carried out with the aim of providing the public with an understanding of how to increase the competitiveness of strawberry products through packaging and digital marketing (E-Commerce) concepts which are expected to be implemented by the public. Pancasari village, where the majority of the people are strawberry farmers.

By collaborating with Family Welfare Empowerment (PKK) women, Farmer Women's Group (KWT), Candi Mas High School Students, Puri Wisata Vocational School Students. Students from the BEM FP UNUD Village Development Team hope to be able to invite the 4 groups of socialization participants to create processed strawberry fruit products that have product names and logos so that they can be marketed more easily and are related to the material in the second socialization, namely to increase the competitiveness of processed fruit products. strawberry. In the future, BEM FP UNUD Village Development Team students will focus on activities that invite community groups to create processed strawberry products and strive to promote products that have been made by village communities.