Agribusiness Student Expression Degree (GEMA) 2023 Rocking with DJ Mahesa and Koplosan

Taking place at the Uma Dewi Barong Dance, the Udayana University Agribusiness Student Association (HIMAGRI) held a peak birthday evening entitled Agribusiness Student Expression Event (GEMA) on Sunday (5/11/2023). The annual routine agenda was themed Rise Together Embrace Each Other on the occasion This featured DJ Mahesa and Koplosan as the main guest stars. Apart from that, there were several live performances from students of the Agribusiness Study Program from various generations who also enlivened the GEMA peak evening event.

The event, which was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, was also attended by the Deputy Dean III of the Faculty of Agriculture, Plt. Coordinator of the Agribusiness Study Program, OKFP Assistant Lecturer, as well as OKFP representatives within the Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University. In his speech which also opened the event, the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Dr. Gusti Ngurah Alit Susanta Wirya said that HIMAGRI, which is 34 years old, has served well as a forum for student activities, especially extracurricular activities. Talents that stand out extracurricularly are expected to develop until they are able to compete at the national level. In the future, the Dean hopes that there will be an increase in activities that will be able to depict the Agribusiness sector more realistically.

Plt. Coordinator of the Agribusiness Study Program, Dr. Putu Udayani Wijayanti hopes that at the age of 34 this year, HIMAGRI will remain successful and victorious wherever it is. He advised that student activities within the scope of the HIMAGRI work program must be balanced between academic and non-academic. Likewise, students who are involved in committees must not forget their main duties as students so that lectures are not neglected and they are able to graduate on time. (S1 Agribusiness FP Unud)