Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University Adds Four New Professors
The Faculty of Agriculture of Udayana University has again produced four Professors who were inaugurated on January 25, 2025 and February 1, 2025 through an Academic Ceremony held at the Widya Sabha Auditorium Building, Jimbaran Campus, Badung. The four Professors are Prof. Dr. Gusti Ngurah Alit Susanta Wirya, S.P., M.Agr., Prof. Dr. Ir. I Ketut Sardiana, M.Si., Prof. Dr. Ir. Ketut Dharma Susila, M.S., and Prof. Dr. Ir. I Made Sudarma, M.S..
Prof. Dr. Gusti Ngurah Alit Susanta Wirya, S.P., M.Agr. as a Professor in the field of Plant Protection Biotechnology delivered a scientific oration "Trichoderma spp. As a Biological Agent for Controlling Pathogenic Fungi Causing Diseases in Agricultural Plants", Prof. Dr. Ir. I Ketut Sardiana, M.Si. as a Professor in the field of Water Management and Agricultural Land delivered a scientific oration entitled "Development of Spatial Data Infrastructure in Subak Management towards Sustainable Agriculture in Bali Province", Prof. Dr. Ir. Ketut Dharma Susila, M.S. as a Professor in the field of Soil Quality and Climate Change delivered a scientific oration entitled "The Role of Soil Quality in Responding to the Impacts of Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Agriculture", while Prof. Dr. Ir. I Made Sudarma, M.S. as a Professor in the field of Economics and Natural Resources and Environment delivered a scientific oration "Land Conversion Control Instruments Towards Sustainable Development".
Rector of Unud Prof. Ir. I Ketut Sudarsana, S.T., Ph.D. in his speech at the inauguration ceremony conveyed that the Professors have a great responsibility to be role models, able to protect and provide solutions to problems that arise in society through the knowledge they have in order to advance the nation and state. Professors are also reminded not only to carry out the Tridharma of Higher Education but also to be role models in guiding and building the personality of students so that students as the next generation of the nation can grow into individuals with character, morals, and uphold the values ??of virtue.