Release of Prospective Graduates from the Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University for the December 2023 Period

The Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University held an activity to release prospective graduates for the December 2023 period. The event, which was held on Thursday, (07/12/2023) at the Nusantara Hall, Agrokompleks Building, Udayana University, Denpasar, was attended by 47 prospective graduates and their companions, the Dean, the Deputy Dean, Study Program Coordinators in the Faculty of Agriculture, Administrative Coordinators and their staff, lecturers and other invitees.

I Putu Sudiarta, S.P., M.Si., Ph.D., as Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning in his report said that prospective graduates in this period were attended by five study programs, namely 4 people from the Agribusiness Masters Study Program, 2 people from the Agroecotechnology Masters Study Program, 13 people from the Agroecotechnology Undergraduate Study Program, 21 people from the Agribusiness Undergraduate Study Program and 7 people from the Landscape Architecture Undergraduate Study Program. In the report, it was also stated that the Faculty of Agriculture has three undergraduate study programs, of which two study programs have been accredited as Superior, namely the Agroecotechnology and Agribusiness Study Program and the Agribusiness Study Program which is awaiting the issuance of the ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) certification. The average Cumulative Achievement Index of Prospective Graduates in this period has exceeded SN - DIKTI where the average Cumulative Achievement Index for the Undergraduate Agribusiness Study Program is 3.78; The average Cumulative Achievement Index for the Undergraduate Agroecotechnology Study Program is 3.84; The average Cumulative Achievement Index for the Bachelor of Landscape Architecture Study Program is 3.69; The average cumulative achievement index for the Agribusiness Master's Study Program is 3.97; and the average Cumulative Achievement Index for the Agroecotechnology Master's Study Program is 3.95.

Prof. Dr. Ir. I Dewa Putu Oka Suardi, M.Si. as Chair of the IKAYANA Commissariat of the Faculty of Agriculture congratulated you on joining a new family association, the Udayana Alumni Association. "Always maintain the good name of your alma mater, always show your best abilities wherever you take part, I and we will always pray for you wherever you take part, then show that you are an IKAYANA," said Prof. OK. He closed his remarks by reminding us to always maintain relationships, even though according to some people this is not important, it would be an extraordinary thing if we could have relationships across generations and across generations.

Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture Dr. Gusti Ngurah Alit Susanta Wirya, S.P., M.Agr. said in his speech, this is a day of victory for prospective graduates, everything that has been sacrificed in completing the study period is paid in this activity. This is an achievement for the Faculty of Agriculture, which has difficulty finding prospective graduate students who have a Grade Point Average of less than 3.50. However, the development of facilities and infrastructure does not stop there, both at the Bukit Jimbaran campus and at the Agricultural Faculty Experimental Garden (KPFP), to support student competency so they can compete in the world of work. Dr. Alit hopes that many entrepreneurs will emerge in the agricultural sector from alumni of the Udayana Faculty of Agriculture. Apart from that, even though you have become an alumni, contribution is still needed, both in terms of sharing information, assistance with facilities and infrastructure, as well as completing tracer studies which are very important for the future development of the Faculty of Agriculture and Udayana University.